by Song |
High (Buie/Nix/Daughtry/Hammond)-5:17
The album opens with a subdued piano
introduction that leads into a rocking statement of purpose song
that's a classic. The band's trademark shifts in tempo are on display
again in the shifts from vocal sections to instrumental breaks.
The song structure provides a great framework for the band to demonstrate
their unique musical skills in the Southern and Classic Rock worlds
of the time.. |
Hero (Buie/Nix)-3:38 |
A slower pace is used to start off
this song that features striking shifts in tempo and style and builds
to a gently rocking close. |
Miss The Message (Buie/Cobb/Nix)-3:27 |
subdued but intense rocker reflects on the notion that messages
come at us from all directions in the modern world, so it's more
important than ever to pay close attention to identify what's truly
important. It's a perspective that could be applied to ARS's music
within the Southern rock landscape as well. |
Rhythm (Buie/Cobb/Nix)-4:52 |
of ARS' signature songs, this moderately paced acoustic song is
another example of their ability to provide a musical background
that beautifully reflects the lyrical message of a song-this one
about the life of a band on tour rolling down the road. |
Into You (Buie/Nix/Daughtry)-4:20
This classic tune features a pop
feel with vocals layered over guitars and keyboards over a solid
rhythm foundation. The passion of the vocals, the steady driving
rhythm and some tasty guitar soloing make it obvious why this was
a hit. |
Woman Blues (Reynolds)-4:53 |
The energy level jumps with this
flat out rocker. The playing is tight and intense as the band churns
through a classic blues workout, with a raging vocal, a recurring
guitar figure and some excellent guitar soloing. |
Everybody Gotta Go (Buie/Nix/Daughtry)-4:10
This tune uses a slower bluesy feel
to reflect on the reality of death and all the things people do
to ignore or avoid it. It then shifts into an uptempo chorus point
to the reality that there's no avoiding what's coming at each of
us faster than we want to face. |
Nites (Buie/Nix)-3:57
The closer is a song combining a
jazz feel to paint pictures of nights on the town with a country
chorus that mourns a lost love. The songs provides a beautiful example
of how ARS had musically moved beyond Southern rock, but at the
same time was singing about and sounding more like the real heart
of the South than any of their contemporaries. The song and album
wind down with a low-key, understated guitar and bass workout. |